Friday Five: 2/23/18

1. On account of my pregnancy induced lack of energy or motivation of anything other than food or good books, winter in Iowa, and J trying to finish his grad school work up this spring, we haven’t been doing a ton of stuff lately. All that being said, a few weekends ago we did venture out to a local snowshoe and ice fishing day, and the big kids got to go ice fishing on another separate day where they caught 12 fish! The kids love fishing, and of course it’s a ton more fun when you actually catch something.

Snow shoeing, however, was not their bag and we didn’t last too long on that particular day. Ruth voiced her opinion loud and clear that she was not a fan of ANYTHING involving snow. Note taken….

We are going to try our hand at maple syrup making at a local environmental center tomorrow from start to finish, so we’ll see how sticky everyone can get in a few short hours. I’ll let ya know.

2.Books, books…where do I start? I’m on book 5 of my 30 goal (YES!) and I left the library with 4 more today…I’m such a sucker. And I apparently don’t want to get anything else done this weekend. O well.

Always Looking Up by Michael J. Fox Not what I was expecting and honestly, this was a struggle to finish, but I was so far in I figured I might as well bite the bullet. Talks a lot about his career in acting as well as his political stance on stem cell research and work with the Michael J Fox Foundation. There is a small section about his faith and family and living with Parkinson’s, which I found the most enticing out of the entire book.

Left to Tell by Immaculée IlibagizaOOOOO where do I start, this one was good. Jeremiah actually told me he thought I would enjoy this book and boy was he was right! The Rwandan holocaust happened in 1994 which was mind blowing to me to begin with, as it was not long ago. I would have been 9 years old when this was happening. This story takes place from then till now, following Immaculee’s journey into hiding in a 3×7 foot bathroom with 7 other women in complete silence for (brace yourself) 3 MONTHS without being found or killed by the Interahamwe killers, all the while she taught herself English and prayed nonstop, until present day where she works for the UN. What a story she has to tell! Fascinating, terrifying and I could not put it down.

Instant Mom by Nia VardalosThe cover of this drew me in for a closer look, honestly. The star of My Big Fat Greek Wedding tells her story of 13 failed IVF treatments, to repeated failed adoptions, to finally adopting a 2 year old daughter out of foster care. This one pulled at my mom heartstrings and was funny and real. I plowed through this one in 3 days and found it to be an uplifting read.

3.Ah, Amazon Prime, how do I love thee? Along with Prime and Walmart grocery pickup, I haven’t had to physically go in a store more than 1 or 2 times per month. This is awesome for me, as I have spent much less money and really only order what we need. (novel idea, I know!) Also less impulse buys, time and gas money saved, and my sanity kept a little closer in check. Amelia has figured out the regular routes of the UPS and FedEx drivers, arriving in the morning or afternoon, respectively, and she will spot them in our neighborhood and expect them to stop and drop off a package. She often meets them at the door, and it’s quite comical. My latest orders have included anything from a new maternity dress (awesome find, by the way) to ceiling fan light bulbs to vitamins to ‘ginormous’ packs of diapers. Here Ruth is with today’s delivery, she’s thrilled: 20180223_115058.jpg

4. I am incredibly ready for winter to be over. I long to sit on my front porch and listen to the birds, go on a walk without the deathly fear that I will slip and add my fall count to 3 for this winter, plant our garden and go camping. But what I especially look forward to? The putting away of all of the winter gear. Oh my heavens it is everywhere. We’ve tried many ways to corral the coats, hats, snow pants, gloves, mittens, headbands, boots….. you get the point. I drug in a big black 4×6 foot rug and put it in the corner of the kitchen for all the wet things. I like having a spot for everything, but when everything is constantly soaking wet or muddy, there ain’t no place for that. Hence the rug. And now the rug is just covered with it all and you can’t walk through that way. Ayayay. There’s also the barrage 5 days/week of making sure everyone has everything for outdoor play as well as appropriate inside clothes and shoes that match. Lucy has started wearing mismatched gloves and I couldn’t care less. Spring can’t come soon enough.

5.Pregnancy 5….I have been neglecting any kind of pregnancy update, so I’ll just tack that on right here. My belly is big. At my 16 week visit this week, my favorite baby catcher declared that I’m an ‘easy case’, the baby’s heart rate was 158ish and scheduled my anatomy scan {already!? Time is flying!}.  People always ask me heart rates, but my kids have all been all over the board, so I have no inclination as to what that means. I do however have the feeling this is a boy. I did also have the same feeling in 2013 when I gave birth to a girl, sooooo we’ll see how this pans out. We’re good either way, and no we have not agreed on anything more than 1 girl name that Gabriel declares he does not like. I am feeling a lot better nausea wise, have fully switched to stretchy pants and shirred shirts, sleep alot and wake up still tired, eat all the time, find my work days to be a bit too long, and find it important that I research new diapers bags. You know, having 2 in diapers again after a 5 year hiatus of just 1 at a time totally accounts for a new bag, right!? Speaking of, I’m considering starting to stockpile #5’s diapers as I am not going to even attempt cloth diapers this time around. That ship has sailed, sadly. G was full time cloth, L was 99% cloth, Amelia was 50% cloth (when she didn’t have a rash, which was all the time), and R got 3 days of cloth I believe. *ahem* I just don’t have the time anymore to add another 2 or 3 loads of diapers a week to the already constant stream of laundry we have. I sold all our cloth diapers about a year ago, except for 2 that I kept, for some odd reason. Like I’m really going to use just 2 cloth diapers….. Time to pass the torch to a mommy who has less than 10 loads of laundry per week. Any takers?? 😉

Have a great weekend!

Friday Five: 2/2/18

1. Many times in the last 3+ months I have not been fond of food. It’s like a necessary evil. Some smells make you nauseated, but if you don’t eat, the nausea is much much worse. Pregnancy is so weird. I can’t handle the smell of red meat, but chicken is great. My fishy-tasting vitamin makes me gag, but (cooked) sushi is amazing. Anything creamy is on my top list. Tomato or spicy foods are not good currently, which is odd for me. We eat tacos at least once a week so I hope this changes! But for some reason, good food tastes REALLY REALLY GOOD lately, and I’ve actually had less food aversions (albeit still nauseous) this time around, which I’m thankful for. I think it’s working out in favor of my family, because we have eaten some REALLY REALLY GOOD food lately. That being said, I have some amazing recipes to share:


2. Speaking of food, my kids have been rocking it in the kitchen lately. My kids are constantly in the kitchen with me anyways, but Gabriel and Lucy are really getting some good skills down. One night a few weeks ago I must have looked extra terrible, because they ordered me to sit on the couch while they would make dinner. They did a great job, and I really didn’t have to do much except turn on the oven. They served all of us a dinner of homemade pizza bread, cottage cheese, fruit salad (canned fruit layered with cool whip! ha!), and milk. Lucy had another night where she was in charge and made pasta bake, garlic bread, mixed vegetables, and jello salad. They always make some kind of ‘dessert’ and I love it!


3. On another note about food, (see a theme here?) Walmart grocery pickup is absolutely the best thing ever. Now I cannot compare, because I have never tried HyVee or any others, but I assume they are all about the same. I love that I can put my order in 3 days before and then just show up, they load it in my car, and we are off again. It has really streamlined my grocery shopping and our grocery budget! You know exactly what your total is before you checkout and meal planning is so simple. I just put things into my cart as I plan out meals on the calendar. I’ve been doing shopping every 2 weeks and rarely have to go into the store otherwise unless something unexpected comes up. That’s HOURS that I’m saving not having to walk the stores, checkout, wrangle kids, etc. If you haven’t tried it, I highly recommend it!

4. Gabriel is in 2nd grade this year, which means he gets to receive 2 sacraments at church this year! We are so excited for him! I remember when he was little I thought we had so much time until he would be old enough for First Communion and Reconciliation, but here we are! He has First Reconciliation on Sunday and First Communion in a few short months. I know it’s not about the clothes, but we’ve already been scoping out suits 😉 He is excited for everything and is an eager learner. He comes up with the best religious discussion at home and I love seeing how his mind works. I cannot wait until he can be an altar server next year! Can’t believe our oldest is so old!



5. We are STILL on the hunt for a new vehicle. This is not easy. So many decisions. I wish someone would come along and just tell us exactly what we were meant to buy that we would be the happiest with, both in function and in price. However I have not met that person yet. Maybe he’ll show up tomorrow. We know what we want, it’s just if we want to pay that much. Ay-yay-yay! In the meantime, we’ll keep looking….

Happy weekend!


No ‘oops’ here

*Disclaimer: in this post I am standing tall on my soapbox. If you don’t want to hear it, I’m telling you now. For the rest of you, I hope you enjoy my post today 🙂

We announced to our parents/siblings our 5th pregnancy on Christmas Eve. Everyone was happy!


We announced to the world our 5th pregnancy via social media and general people we know earlier this week. Mixed emotions from many. But honestly I didn’t expect a lot.

We waited a loooong time to announce between Christmas and this past Sunday because I was dragging my feet. Was I excited, happy, and feeling blessed to be pregnant again? YES! Did I know what was coming as far as comments, looks, and people’s opinions? YES! I literally braced myself and continue to do so, as people don’t always have the nicest comments to a 5 times pregnant lady. Sometimes it makes me cringe. However, there are people who know us well enough that they rib us a little bit, but are genuinely happy for us and our openness to life. And we whole-heartedly appreciate them 🙂

Here’s some of the responses I’ve gotten: 1) Genuine ‘Congratulations!’ 2) ‘Good for you guys! You do a great job!’ {#1 and 2 are my favorites and preferred} 3) *Blank stare* 4) ‘Wow! You are going to have your hands full!’ 5) Look of disgust 6) Look of sadness or feeling bad for us 7) Look of confusion or that I am an alien …And my favorite *sarcasm*…. 8) ‘Don’t you know what causes that by now?!’ I’ve developed a pretty thick skin and can dish it right back usually, but sometimes these kind of comments just strike me wrong. (Obviously, because I’m writing an entire post about it, ha!)

Here’s the thing. Why do some people have to hate on large families or people who want a lot of kids? What business is it of theirs? People who have 1 or 2 children by choice are not poked fun at, talked to about their fertility, or told that they need to find a new hobby. I always wonder how it would feel to reverse the roles? It seems that people in general leave them alone, and allow them to be happy with their decision of their family size. People may have questions or wonder, but they usually keep it to themselves.

Each baby, whether #1 or #10 is wanted and loved. And each truly is a blessing! And outsiders need to realize that. Just because you have a large family doesn’t mean you have a lot of ‘oops’ babies or that you stink at family planning. It can actually mean the exact opposite! Family size is something very personal and individual. My husband and I just happen to feel called to have a large brood of kiddos. Isn’t that great? I think so. And if you don’t, keep it to yourself.

And a little humor:

Just keepin’ it real on the ‘House tonight.

And that’s all I got.