Glamorous life of a mother

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Today I……


Watched Gabriel put holes in his jeans on the merry-go-round; 1 of the 2 pairs he has left this year

Attempted to teach Lucy to write her name, she instead wrote on the the library book cover

Did dishes in 4 shifts; and they are still not done

Put Amelia to sleep on her belly and checked on her every 15 minutes because I was nervous

Loved how Gabriel found it his mission to entertain Amelia in the car so she would not cry

Prayed for a mama friend giving birth to a baby girl today

Let Gabriel play a Lego game on my phone so I could blog!

Let Lucy lick the beater from cookies

Left the house 3 times; twice to go to preschool

Talked to Lucy about what things belong in the toilet (don’t ask)

Fed kids mac ‘n cheese and hot dogs for lunch and felt guilty about its lack of nutrients

Made a savory vegetable and sausage soup for dinner with homemade bread to make up for it, hopefully

Washed 7 loads of laundry, folded some

Had a deep conversation with Uncle Cam about mustaches

Read books about robots, Batman, princesses, Pinkalicious, Strawberry Shortcake, Transformers

Listened to Lucy sing the alphabet song all by herself

Accepted a dandelion as a gift picked by Lucy

Put Amelia to sleep at least 6 times

Got spit up on by Amelia at least 6 times

Loved how Lucy called it ‘cookie sauce’ instead of ‘cookie dough’

Got all 3 kids to nap at the same time! (fist pump!)

Dreamed about all the books I would like to read, while doing dishes

Marveled at how grown up G and L are becoming

Made a grocery list

Dreamed about what absolute cuteness Amelia should wear for 6 month pictures, while doing dishes

Changed Amelia’s clothes 3 times

Dreamed about my future family closet, while doing laundry

Thought about how Lucy’s sheets need washed….but never actually did it

Dreamed about planting my garden this weekend, while doing laundry

Did not shower until 7pm

Watched Lucy have several tantrums over cookies

Wiped a lot of bottoms

Wished my father in law a happy birthday

Tried to teach G and L that yelling is not how to treat your mom!

Went to bed early, because, well, I was tired

Loved this day with my kiddos!


-The {growing} Costellos